Pyridoxine is a part of the coenzyme pyridoxal phosphate (PLP). It also activates a number of enzymes. Pyridoxine is required for protein metabolism. B6-enzymes are involved in the creation of certain neurotransmitters. B6 is also involved in the conversion of tryptophan to niacin. In addition, pyridoxine is involved in heme synthesis and folate metabolism.
Vitamin B6 is water-soluble and excreted in the urine. It is stored as part of PLP, where it is involved in a number of metabolic reactions in the body.
Food Sources
Good sources of pyridoxine include meat, fish, poultry, organ meats, legumes, grains, certain fruits and vegetables. Pyridoxine in food may be present in foods as pyridoxal or pyridoxamine (animal products).
B6 deficiency in infants can lead to convulsions and irritability. Dermatitis (skin irritations), glossitis (inflammation of the tongue), mouth lesions, depression and confusion may also be present in B6 deficiency.