The minimum order size is 1 million sachets in bulk format. Organizations are responsible for the signing of a purchase agreement and the creation of custom artwork if different from the standard English/French version packaging design. Organizations may also wish to develop their own secondary packaging (i.e. box holding 20-30 sachets) for distribution to beneficiaries or consumers and are responsible for secondary packaging development, manufacturing and filling.
It is important to allow ample time for delivery. After the package artwork is approved, the estimated time to delivery is 12 weeks. The sachets are shipped in boxes of 3000 and delivered on pallets that can be shipped via air or ocean freight. Each pallet contains 56 boxes (168,000 sachets), weighing approximately 250 Kg, and 102 cm x 122 cm x122 cm in dimension. Cost depends on the quantity of sachets ordered, the composition of the mixture, and the site of production, but generally runs between USD$0.015 and $0.035 per sachet. Organizations are additionally responsible for the cost of shipping and any related costs, including brokerage fees and customs import duties.
Once delivered, Sprinkles should be stored or warehoused properly. Storage areas should be hygienic, free of pests and contamination from chemical or other residues and ideally protected from undesirable climatic conditions. Sprinkles are, however, stable in both hot and cold climates.
Requesting organizations are strongly advised to ensure that the Sprinkles product is appropriately registered and approved by the countrys regulatory authorities prior to distribution. SGHI is able to assist organizations with the registration process by providing requested documentation to ensure that the countrys regulatory requirements for the product are met.