Laboratory-Based Studies
Blood Collection Cassette for Serum Transferrin Receptor Analysis
(Contact: Lisa Zeng; In Progress)
Assessment of IDA in population studies requires reliable and accurate measures of iron status. Serum transferrin receptor (sTfR) is a sensitive and specific functional measure of iron deficiency that quantifies tissue iron availability. Although the sTfR assay requires a very small volume of capillary blood, a number of practical issues limit its utility in remote or underdeveloped regions, where problems of iron deficiency are most prevalent.
In the remote or underdeveloped regions, there is often limited access to adequately equipped laboratories with trained technicians for reliable laboratory testing, adequate facilities are not always available to store frozen serum samples and there are often problems keeping samples cool during transport from the field site to the laboratory. If local laboratories are not available, shipping of samples to a central laboratory under controlled temperature is often costly …