Pakistan (Waseem Sharrief-Completed)
It has been estimated that diarrheal illnesses account for 12,600 deaths each day in children in Asia, Africa, and
Latin America while pre-school children spend 35 to 70 days per year with diarrhea. Although, oral rehydration therapy has
reduced diarrhea-related mortality by 50%, its affect has plateaud. To further decrease this burden malnutrition and immunity
needs to be targeted. Sprinkles Supplefer Plus is unique in that micronutrients such as iron, zinc, Vitamin A and C, together
with a probiotic can be formulated into the sachet to prevent common micronutrient deficiencies as well as diarrhea.
We investigated the effect of zinc and a heat-killed strain of probiotic L. acidophilus provided as micronutrient Sprinkles on
diarrhea morbidity in infants. This community-based, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial took place in an urban slum of Karachi,
Pakistan. 75 infants at high-risk for diarrhea-related-mortality identified as: (a) age between 6 to12 months; and (b) …